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Follow the link below to get your FREE Rate Calculator Worksheet and watch the episode about how to confidently define your value as a music freelancer.
This week’s guest is the amazingly talented vocalist and broadway veteran Shoshana Bean. Shoshana and I have a great conversation about the progression of her career from being a singing and dancing two year old to holding …
Our guest this week is Keith Jeffery, lead singer and guitarist for the band Atlas Genius. I chat with Keith about the viral success of their hit song "Trojans" and the ensuing whirlwind of attention and excitement that foll…
Our guest this week is six time Grammy nominated producer, mixer, programmer, songwriter, and all round good human Damian Taylor. Damian found himself in heavy demand early in his career after becoming one of the first maste…
Welcome to Progressions: Success in the Music Industry! In this brief opening episode, I decided to give you an introduction to myself and the reasons why I chose to start a podcast. In this episode, we'll dig in on... What …